Smoothies for herbal cures

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Here is a painkiller recipe from The Natures Pharmacy, it is mentionable that every ingredient is on our list of cancer cures.
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To add powerful ingredients for the liver is easier by starting with a delicious smoothie and going slowly. For instance you dont want to add more dandelion root powder or milk thistle powder than can be disguised in your liver cure smoothie!
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Be sure and check out our album on lowering blood pressure 
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you can add a squirt of melaoncyte stimulating hormone….you can add ground up egg shell if it is fine enough to not be gritty, and many specialized bone health additions to your basic smoothie. Wild Mexican Yam reverses womens osteoporotic bone loss , etc
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you can add curative herbs from our cures albums

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You can add curative powders from our Herbal Cures albums ….
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you can add herbal cure powders from our albums !
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