The Free Energy Party Partners in World Improvement
Our beautiful planet is turning into a huge refuse pile! Caring people around the world are working hard to return her to a pristine state. Every living thing upon it deserves her best.
The Free Energy Party is happy to coordinate this page to support and encourage all world improvement groups and businesses.
We are grateful for all organizations working to improve our planet and invite contact to be added to this page.
Thank you for all your efforts!

Water * Air * Permaculture * Free Energy * Natural Cures * All are related to overall planetary health…

The Free Energy Party – UK >
Partnering with FEP – US to bring Free Energy-Natural Cures-Permaculture to the political arena in the UK
Website –
Canadian Voyagers – Crossing Canada by Canoe to Raise Awareness
This could go in several categories-
“We do not think this action will change things overnight, but, we feel the more people who get out there and take positive actions, the more actions people will take. The time to take action is now, before it’s too late. We can’t wait for things won’t change by themselves. Let’s face it: past behavior predicts future behavior. Unless people come together and demand change, change won’t happen, and the world is in dire need of change.”
Contact email:
Personal Health
The Whole Package >
By Partnering with The Free Energy Party, The Whole Package Program brings the Tripod of the FEP succinctly into alignment of freeing the human energy from limiting beliefs.
Green Star Natural Store – Forest Farm Pencoys Four Lanes Redruth Cornwall Tr166lz 01209 481194
Dr. Janet Pringle, N.D.
206 Railroad St.
Dawson, PA 15428
724 812-7456
All Natural Herbs and Vitamins at Wholesale Prices
Order Online using code #96618 -at:
I got started because my hubby was told he would never work
again due to back issues. Six weeks later he was working, and
still is at the age of 76!
Natural Self Me
Being resilient to stress and making the most of ongoing change is our Natural State. The Natural Self System is based on anthropological science and emerges a person’s natural power to end depression, stress, and discontentedness.
FGXpress™ – Provided by Sheree St.Onge. SAMPLES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
A Breakthrough new health supplement has become available, in two forms.
™PowerStrips™ – a patented fusion of modern energy and ancient herbs. Far Infrared – Germanium – Korean Red Ginseng – Marine Phytoplankton – Ionic Silver, Absorbed through the skin, offering All Natural PAIN RELIEF and so much MORE. Doctors have been using the PowerStrips™ in their offices with patients experiencing Chronic Pain. They have had 100% success in reduction of pain with 2 applications of the PowerStrips
SolarStrips™ as above ^ containing 37.5 mg of Marine Phytoplankton in each oral Strip, dissolving in 5 seconds.
Truly stunning results from both types of STRIP’s have been reported.
Please take a look for all manner of pain reduction and well being @
West Cornwall Permaculture is an online presence for Permaculturists in West Cornwall UK. The end goal is a completely self sufficient Cornwall and to inspire and innovate rural and town planning to accommodate these factors for an abundant future.
Serenity Stables – West Cornwall, UK – built with permaculture in mind.
Rancho Mastatal, Costa Rica – Rancho Mastatal is an environmental learning and sustainable living center, rural sanctuary and lodge located in and on the edge of the last remaining virgin rainforest of Costa Rica’s beautiful Puriscal County. We practice, promote and teach about living responsibly in the tropics while educating our visitors about the significance of the world’s disappearing resources. We work tirelessly to help lead local efforts in conservation, food security and production, education, natural medicine, and community growth.

The Free Energy Party, and our partners throughout the world, are a growing number of groups that would like to be able to continue to enjoy the beauty of our planet. We are convinced that if we do not act decisively now, it will be too late in the not too distant future. The planet belongs to us all, humans, animals and plants, and we all deserve to live in a place free from the dangers of all manner of poisons.